Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes for July 12th, 2006

Amended and Approved August 9th, 2006


Planning Board Attendees

Eli Hauser - Chair

Paul Lauenstein

Arnold Cohen – Vice Chair

Amanda Sloan - Clerk



Alice Cheyer

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Salomon


Meeting Initiation

Meeting was called to order at 7:45 pm by Chair Eli Hauser.


Meeting Discussion


1.      Chair’s Report

·         Mr. Hauser read the mail including a letter from the Office of The District Attorney in response to an Open Meeting Law Inquiry of June 8, 2006. The DA’s office found that the failure to post the May 31st meeting 48 hours in advance was inadvertent on the Board’s part and no further action is warranted.


2.      Form A

·         None to report.


3.      Sign Review

·         Richard Salomon informed the Board he was opening a jewelry store at the end of July, to be located at 71A Pond Street and was requesting sign authorization.

·         Mr. Cohen made a conditional motion to vote to approve Salomon’s sign request for 71A Pond Street on the application of Salomon Jewelry and Repair with the coloring of the sign being the same as the neighboring store, Bare Walls. The approval is conditional on the applicant filing the application with the Town Clerk and paying the fee. Mr. Lauenstein seconded the motion. All voted in favor 4-0-0.


4.      Meeting Minutes of 6/28/06

·          Board reviewed and amended draft 6/28/06 meeting minutes.

·          Mr. Lauenstein made a motion to accept the minutes of 6/28 as amended and Ms. Sloan seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously 4-0-0 to accept.


5.      Reconfirm David Milowe to Cap Outlay Representative:

·         Mr. Hauser will contact Mr. Milowe regarding his interest.


6.      Nomination of PB Member to the Standing Building Committee Selection Committee:

·         In a previous meeting the Board voted 5-0-0 to nominate Gina Maniscalco as its representative to the Standing Building Committee. Mr. Cohen will continue to represent the Board as a member of the Standing Building Committee Selection Committee. He will not be able to attend the meeting on 7/13 but Ms. Sloan agreed to attend in his absence.


7.      Town Meeting  Articles

Board discussed the need to provide draft warrant articles to Ms. Kathy Byrne of the Town Administrator’s office by July 17th. The specific articles pertaining to Shape Factor, Inclusionary Zoning and Typos were discussed as follows below. CSD was not reviewed.


1.  Discussion ensued between the Board members regarding shape factor. Sharon has no law restricting the shape for land and we want to create a bylaw to regulate shape. Mr. Lauenstein will draft.


1.      Mr. Lauenstein said that if 15% of new development in Sharon is affordable, the town can keep ahead of the 10% 40-b requirement.

2.      Mr. Hauser stated inclusionary zoning will not encourage the development of Rattlesnake Hill. It is on 350 acres to be built in three clusters over the next 5-10 years including a 45 acre golf course. The developer indicated they would provide 45 acres to the town. They want to build 1,800 units, but since it is not a 40B, it would not currently have to have an affordable component.

3.      Mr. Cohen stated that zoning would need to be changed in order to allow the building of 1800 units. If they are not doing it with 40B, it cannot be done under the present zoning bylaws. The topic would need to be voted at Town Meeting. The Planning Board would be called upon to make its recommendations.

4.      Mr. Hauser stated that he spoke with the developer of Rattlesnake Hill, who said he would be agreeable to speak to the Planning Board.

5.      Mr. Cohen stated that inclusionary zoning could be put on the warrant. A public hearing could be held to hash out the issues. It could be removed later if necessary. The public hearing is a forum to obtain public feedback.

6.      Mr. Hauser expressed concerns that it is inadvisable to go into discussions with the developer with unilateral restrictions. There are economic factors that are advantageous to the Town. We have a deficit of 50-80 homes that are affordable. Rattlesnake Hill might take the position that they would build another affordable rental development.

7.      Ms. Cheyer stated that discussion of Inclusionary Zoning started a year ago. She said she thinks it should go on the warrant.

8.      Mr. Cohen moved that the Board take steps to include the proposed Inclusionary Zoning article on the warrant for the Fall Town Meeting. It was seconded by Ms. Sloan. The Board voted 3-1-0.


·         Topsoil

1.      Mr. Lauenstein explained that contractors put a thin patina of loam down on top of the gravelly subsoil. He called the UMass Soil and Plant Tissue Testing Lab and found there needs to be 5% organic matter and 6 inches of soil to minimize the irrigation requirements of new lawns. Mr. Lauenstein stated that no placeholder had been reserved for this warrant article and that he would ask Ms. Byrne at the Selectmen’s Office if it could still be added.

2.      Mr. Cohen stated that no permits were needed for new lawns so enforcement could be an issue.

3.      Ms. Sloan stated that a perennial complaint of landscapers is that developers strip topsoil to sell.

4.      Mr. Hauser stated that this needs to be thought about in two contexts: existing lawns and new developments.

5.      Mr. Lauenstein stated that landscapers would have to send the soil to UMass to be tested to ensure compliance. The building inspector would need to enforce this process. What would the penalty be for noncompliance? For new developers we may need to keep a bond until a confirmation regarding the soil is received. Mr. Lauenstein recommended a permit system to enforce soil requirements. Mr. Lauenstein said he would find out if a permit is required for new irrigation systems, and whether a regulation regarding topsoil requirements could be added.

6.      Mr. Hauser suggested that Mr. Lauenstein speak with Mr. O’Cain regarding this issue as pertains to new homes or subdivisions. He wants reasonable practicality and feels this is called for because contractors are stripping the soil.


·         Typos

1.      Mr. Lauenstein reviewed the typos he found in the Zoning Bylaws with the Board. He said that he noticed some inconsistent word usage pertaining to paragraph, subparagraph and subsection. A discussion ensued between the Board and decisions were made to change the typos where appropriate. Mr. Lauenstein will provide the specific changes within the draft warrant article he is preparing. Additionally Mr. Lauenstein discussed language needed regarding golf courses and stated he spoke with the Town Clerk. He said he would find out if there is a golf course bylaw and how to get it inserted into both the hard copies and the web version of the Zoning Bylaws.


8.      Letter to ZBA re:scenic road regulation and Pine Woods Development

·         Mr. Cohen is in the process of looking at variances and bylaws. He will communicate with Mr. O’Cain regarding NASCO to see if it is correct. Is it a rural road? By next meeting, Mr. Cohen will draft a letter to the ZBA and the developer regarding Everett Street, which is a designated scenic road under the jurisdiction of the Planning Board.


9.      AA duties

·         Determine all committees to which the Planning Board must nominate a member, other than Lake Management, Standing Building and Capital Outlay Committees.

·         Provide the draft language for Inclusionary Zoning, Typos and Lot Shape to Kathy Byrnes by July 17th upon receipt of draft language from the responsible Board member.

·         Schedule public hearing to discuss 4 warrant articles on August 23rd at 8:00 PM. Arrange hearing notices in the Sharon Advocate.


10.  Resolution of Attorney Bills

·          Ms. Sloan reported this was settled.


Next Meeting

July 26th 2006, 7:30 pm, Town Hall, Lower Level


Meeting Adjournment

Mr. Cohen moved to adjourn meeting at 10:30 PM; Mr. Lauenstein seconded the motion; passed unanimously.



Respectfully submitted,

Rachelle F. Levitts

 Administrative Assistant